Getting on a Program's Hall of Fame

Each public program has a Hall of Fame. This is similar to the Leaderboard, except that it features the security researchers who have submitted at least one valid bug report to the program. The Hall of Fame acknowledges the work of researchers who have contributed to a bounty program.

To be listed in the Hall of Fame, you must submit a valid bug report. Once the report is in the unresolved or resolved state, Bugcrowd will show your profile (if it is your first bug) or update your profile.

Duplicate submissions for P3, P4, and P5 levels are not considered for Hall of Fame.


I earned points on a Private Program, but cannot see where I am on the leaderboard?: Because of the nature of a private program, this information is anonymized. Hence, Hall of Fame does not appear for a Private Program.

VDP Programs: Points are not displayed for VDP programs and the Hall of Fame entries are organised by recency.