Filtering Submissions

You can use filters to view submissions that match a particular set of criteria. For example, you can query submissions that you may need to follow up, such as the submissions that have been identified as valid but the researcher is not yet rewarded.

To filter your submissions, create a query using filter keys.

Filter Keys

Filter keys narrow your submissions to a specific set of results.

The following table provides the filter keys and the possible values.

Key Value Notes
duplicate true or false Filter submissions based on whether the submission is a duplicate of another submission or not.
payments none or present Returns submissions based on whether payments are set or not set.
points none or present Returns submissions based on whether points have been assigned.
program   Matches the Bounty code that is present in the URL path, such as bugcrowd, mastercard, and so on. Supports negative search.
program-status live, closed, or invited Returns submissions based on their program status.
severity 1-5, none or present Displays submissions based on the severity assigned. Supports negative search.
sort updated-asc, updated-desc, points-asc, points-desc, submitted-asc, submitted-desc, payment-asc, payment-desc, activity-asc, or activity-desc Displays the submissions based on the sort order.
source email, external_form, or platform Returns submissions based on their originating source, such as through email, external form, or program brief. Supports negative search.
state new, triaged, informational, not-applicable, out-of-scope, unresolved, or resolved Shows submissions based on the current status. Supports negative search.
target   Displays submissions based on the target name. Supports negative search.
target-type website, api, mobile, iot, ios, android, hardware, or other Displays submissions based on the target type.
submitted YYYY-MM-DD, < YYYY-MM-DD, or >YYYY-MM-DD Returns submissions that were submitted during the specified date range.
payment-date YYYY-MM-DD, < YYYY-MM-DD, or >YYYY-MM-DD Returns submissions that were paid on, before, or after the specified date.
points-awarded-date YYYY-MM-DD, < YYYY-MM-DD, or >YYYY-MM-DD Returns submissions that were awarded points on, before, or after the specified date.
draft true or false Filter submissions based on whether the submission is a draft or not.
vrt application-level-denial-of-service-(dos) or application-level-denial-of-service-(dos)/app-crash Returns submissions based on the VRT category or subcategory for the submissions you have created.
activity-date YYYY-MM-DD, <= to YYYY-MM-DD, or >=from YYYY-MM-DD Returns submissions that had activity during the specified date range. Click the calendar icon to select the required date range.

Filter Syntax

To create a query, use the following syntax: <filter key>:<value>.

Make sure you include a colon after the filter key and do not include any spaces between the filter key and value.

You can enter multiple filter key/value pairs in the query, such as: state:new program:bugcrowd.

By default, the query includes sort:submitted-desc, which sorts your submissions in descending order based on the dates they were submitted. You can remove or replace this filter key/value.

Filter Logic

There is an AND operator between unique filter keys. However, multiple instances of the same filter key use the OR operator. For example, state:new state:triaged program:bugcrowd returns all submissions that have a state of either triaged or new and is part of the Bugcrowd program.

A few filters allow negative search, which allows you to find values that do not meet the specified value. To perform a negative search, add a - before the key, such as -state:triaged.

You can perform a negative search with the state, program, and target filter keys.

Building a Query

To help you build a submissions query, a list of available filter keys will appear when you click in the search field. After you select a filter key, the search field will show you possible values based on your selection.


You can use as many key/value combinations as required. There is an AND operator between unique filter keys and an OR operator between multiple instances of the same filter key.

As you add filter key/value pairs to the query, the results automatically refresh to display the latest results.

If you input an invalid filter key or query, no submissions will be returned. Review your query for any errors if the results do not show the expected submissions.

Preset Queries

Preset queries let you quickly find submissions that are pending, accepted, or are duplicates. Click on the filter and the query will display in the search field.


The following preset queries are available.

Query Filters Description
All draft:false Finds all submissions that have been submitted.
Draft draft:true sort:updated-desc Finds all submissions that are in draft state and yet to be submitted.
Pending draft:false sort:submitted-desc duplicate:false state:new state:triaged Finds submissions that have yet to be accepted or rejected.
Accepted duplicate:false draft:false state:unresolved state:resolved Shows submissions that have a resolved or unresolved status.
Rejected duplicate:false draft:false state:informational state:out-of-scope state:not-applicable state:not-reproducible Returns submissions that have been rejected.
Duplicate duplicate:true Finds submissions that have been marked as a duplicate.
Collaborations collaboration:true Finds submissions that have collaborators.
Invitations invitation:true Filter by invited submissions.