Kenna Security

You can import Crowdcontrol reports into the Kenna Security platform using the integration built between Bugcrowd and Kenna Security. This integration uses the Bugcrowd API, and you have to create a Bugcrowd API token to get started.

After you have set up the Bugcrowd connector and configured the integration, data will be automatically pulled from Crowdcontrol using the schedule you configured. All reports in the New and Triaged states will be imported in the Kenna Security platform as open issues. This integration will not push any updates made in the Kenna Security platform back to Crowdcontrol. When you delete the connector, all data imported by the connector will also be deleted.

This integration is built and maintained by Kenna Security. For questions, we recommend exploring Kenna Security’s Help Center.

Setting Up Kenna Security Integration

To set up the Crowdcontrol connector on the Kenna Security platform:

  1. Create an API token on Crowdcontrol.

  2. Log in to your Kenna Security account.

  3. Click Connectors.

  4. Click Add Connector.


  5. Select Bugcrowd.


  6. Enter the API username and token that you created.

  7. Set the schedule to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

  8. Click Save And Verify.
