Understanding Roles and Permissions

Every member of your organization that has access to and engages with your platform has a role. Each role has a defined set of tasks and responsibilities that can be performed.

Your organization can create and manage roles for the team members who are part of your platform. This enables you to invite more team members to the program and set the access rights that each member should have.

Role Types

Roles are divided into two levels: Organization and Program.

Organization Level

  • Organization Owner: Has full access to all programs and submissions on Crowdcontrol.
  • Organization Member: At the lowest level, has access to the Crowdcontrol platform but unable to access programs and submissions until assigned a specific role to a particular program.
  • Organization User Admin: Users with this role can add and delete Organization Members in the platform. These users will not have access to any programs or any other security information in the platform and cannot assign a program role for Organization Members.

Team members who have been invited to Crowdcontrol as a Organization Member, but have not yet been assigned program roles will not have access to Security Programs or submissions. For information about assigning and removing roles, see adding team members.

Program Level

Each Organization Member on the platform may be assigned one of the following roles on each Security Program in Crowdcontrol:

  • Program Administrator: Has the ability to reward submissions.
  • Program Analyst: Has the ability to view and edit submissions.
  • Program Viewer: Has the ability to view submissions.

Assigning Program Roles: An Organization Member can be assigned roles, by the Organization Owner, to any program upon invite or in the organization setting.

Role Permissions

Each role has the following set of user permissions:

Permission Organization Owner Organization User Admin Organization Member Program Administrator Program Analyst Program Viewer
Access to Crowdcontrol X   X X X X
Assign admin X     X    
Assign analysts X     X    
Assign owners X          
Assign submissions X     X X  
Assign viewers X     X    
Change the authentication method for the program X          
Comment on submissions X     X X  
Create programs X          
Edit program settings X     X    
Invite Members to Crowdcontrol X X   X    
Message Researcher X     X X  
Organization Level View X          
Prioritize submissions X     X X  
Respond and resolve Blockers X     X X  
Respond and resolve a Request a Response X     X X  
Reward submissions X     X    
Set submission statuses X     X X  
View and export reports X     X X X
View submissions X   X X X X