Subscribing to a Submission

Subscribing to a submission allows you to follow the activity related to a submission without having to be the primary assignee of the submission. There are two ways you can subscribe to a submission

Subscribing to a submission triggers notifications. Learn more about notifications.

Subscribing to a Submission Directly

To subscribe to a submission, go to the Submissions Page and select the submission you want to follow.

Click Subscribe.


Other Ways to Subscribe to a Submission

You automatically subscribe to a submission when you comment or make a change to it. For example, if you pay out a reward for a submission, you are automatically subscribed to receive updates for any activity on that submission.

You indirectly subscribe to a submission when you perform any of the following tasks:

  • Leave a team note
  • Send a direct message to a researcher
  • Pay out a reward
  • Change the submission status
  • Change the submission priority
  • Assign the submission to yourself or another team member

Unsubscribing from a Submission

To unsubscribe from a submission, go to the Submissions Page and select the submission you want to unsubscribe from.

Click Unsubscribe.
