Insights Metrics Glossary

Note: The Insights overview section provides an overview of the three subsequent sections. It uses the same metrics used in each of the sections.

Submission Insights Metrics

The Submissions insights section uses the following metrics:

Date and Submission States

Metric Description
Date Time period against which submissions count is plotted.
Submissions Received Total number of submissions received for the selected time period.
Submissions Triaged Count of submissions that are marked as Triaged.
Submissions Accepted Count of submissions where substate is marked as Unresolved, Resolved, and Informational.

Date and Submission Severity

Metric Description
Date Time period against which respective submissions count is plotted in the spline-area chart.
Critical Count of submissions where severity is marked as Critical (P1).
Severe Count of submissions where severity is marked as Severe (P2).
Moderate Count of submissions where severity is marked as Moderate (P3).
Low Count of submissions where severity is marked as Low (P4).
Informational Count of submissions where severity is marked as Informational (P5).

Submission Count in each In-Scope Target, and their Severity

Metric Description
Target Unique Target Names for the selected submissions.
Category Category defined for the target. Possible values are [API, Hardware, Binary, Android, iOS, Network, Other, Website].
Scope Displays information related to the target being in or out of scope.
Avg. Severity Average Severity for all submissions corresponding to respective targets.
Count Total count of Submissions corresponding to respective targets.

Submission Count in each VRT Category

Metric Description
Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy Category Top level VRT Category of the submissions under consideration.
Count Total number of submissions in the specified category.

Performance Insights Metrics

The Performance insights section uses the following metrics:

Mean Days, Submission States, and Severity

Metric Description
Mean time to detect (MTTD) Average across all of your engagements of the number of days from the start of the engagement till the first submission, for submissions submitted in the selected time period. A lower number indicates more interest by the hacker community in testing your assets.
Mean days to triage Average number of days for a submission to be triaged, for submissions submitted in the selected time period. A submission is considered triaged, if it is moved from New to Triaged, or directly to an accepted state. A lower number indicates that Bugcrowd triage is within SLOs for triaging new findings as they are submitted by hackers.
Mean days to review Average number of days a submission was in review state, for submissions submitted in the selected time period. A submission is considered to be in review when it is moved from Triaged to an accepted state , or directly resolved state. Note: In cases where users move the submissions in an accepted case directly after it is Triaged, Mean Days to Triage and Mean Days to Review will be the same.
Mean time to resolve (MTTR) Average number of days for a submission to be resolved, for submissions submitted in the selected time period. A submission is considered resolved when it is moved from an accepted state to the resolved state. Note: In cases where users mark the submissions as resolved directly after it is triaged, this value will be zero (0).
Severity Severity of submissions. Possible values are [Critical, Severe, Moderate, Low, Informational, None].

Researchers and Time

Metric Description
Date Time period against which count of researchers is plotted in the bar chart.
New researcher Number of new researchers that submitted a finding during the corresponding time period in the date field, and have submitted a report for the first time for the entirety of the program.
Returning researchers Number of returning researchers that submitted a finding during the corresponding time period in the date field, but have submitted a report at least once before during the program’s existence.

Submission State and Severity

Metric Description
Severity Severity of submissions. Possible values are [Critical, Severe, Moderate, Low, Informational, None].
Triaged Total number of submissions in a Triaged state for the corresponding severity.
Accepted Total number of submissions in an Accepted state for the corresponding severity.

Mean Days and Time

Metric Description
Mean time to detect (MTTD) Average across all of your engagements of the number of days from the start of the engagement till the first submission, for submissions submitted in the specified time period in the ‘Date’ field. A lower number indicates more interest by the hacker community in testing your assets.
Mean days in triage Average number of days a submission was in triaged state for the specified time period in the ‘Date’ field.
Mean days in review Average number of days a submission was in review state for the specified time period in the ‘Date’ field.
Mean time to resolve (MTTR) Average number of days for a submission to be resolved for the specified time period in the ‘Date’ field.

Spend Insights Metrics

The Spend insights section uses the following metrics:

Reward Amount and Number of Submissions

Metric Description
Total rewarded Total amount awarded for the selected time period.
Lowest reward Lowest amount awarded for the selected time period.
Average reward Average reward amount for the selected time period.
Highest reward Highest amount awarded for the selected time period.
Submissions Rewarded Total number of rewarded submissions for the selected submissions.

Date, Reward Amount, and Remaining Pool

Metric Description
Date Time period against which reward amount in USD is plotted in the spline-area chart.
Reward amount Total amount awarded for the corresponding time period, as denoted by ‘Date’ field.
Remaining pool Pool remaining for the corresponding time period, as denoted by ‘Date’ field.

Date, Reward Amount, and Severity

Metric Description
Date Time period against which reward amount in USD is plotted in the spline-area chart for each severity.
Critical Rewards Total amount awarded to Submissions where severity is marked as Critical, for the corresponding time period in the date field.
Severe Rewards Total amount awarded to Submissions where severity is marked as Severe, for the corresponding time period in the date field.
Moderate Rewards Total amount awarded to Submissions where severity is marked as Moderate, for the corresponding time period in the date field.
Low Rewards Total amount awarded to Submissions where severity is marked as Low, for the corresponding time period in the date field.

Reward and Target

Metric Description
Target names Unique Target name which has been rewarded for the selected time period.
Total rewarded (USD) Total amount awarded for the submissions related to the corresponding target.