Insights Submissions

The Insights Submissions section provides aggregate data across your engagements at the Security Program level.

Submission State Statistics

In detailed view statistics and trends are segregated into two different views, a stats view and trends view.

states view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Submission States Metrics.

This graph shows the severity trends of submissions.

Severity trends, bar chart view:

trends view

Severity trends, table view:

trends table view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Submission Severity Metrics.

The submission state trend charts focus on these four specific states:

  • Submissions Received over time
  • Submissions Triaged over time
  • Submissions Accepted over time

Submissions received over time, spline area chart view:

trends over time view

Submissions received over time, table view:

trends grid view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Submission States Metrics.

Top In-Scope Targets

This section shows the targets with the most number of valid submissions.

Top in-scope targets, horizontal bar chart view:

Target Breakdown

Top in-scope targets, table view:

Target Breakdown Grid View

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Submissions In-Scope and Severity Metrics.

VRT Categories for Your Submission

This section lists the most common vulnerability categories found in your assets. You can view the count of submissions, broken down by top level VRT Rating Taxonomy category.

VRT categories, doughnut chart view:

VRT View

VRT categories, table view:

VRT table View

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Submissions and VRT Category Metrics.