Insights Performance

Performance analytics provides details on the health of your Security Program through submission status transition times through a submission’s lifecycle. Shorter status transition times indicate good responsiveness to hackers and overall health of a program, which encourages hackers to continue testing and leads to better results.

Submission Status Transition Statistics

Mean days to transition vulnerabilities

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Mean Days Submission States and Severity.

Submission Status Transition Bar Chart

Submission status transition, bar chart view:

Mean days to transition vulnerabilities bar chart

Submission status transition, table view:

Mean days to transition vulnerabilities table view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Mean Days Submission States and Severity.

How many hackers submitted bar chart view:

How many hackers submitted bar chart view

How many hackers submitted table view:

How many hackers submitted table view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Researchers and Time.

Submission Status by Severity

Submission status by severity, bar chart view:

Submission state severity

Submission status by severity, table view:

Submission state severity table view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Submission State and Severity.

To learn more about severity, please refer to Bugcrowd documentation.

All performance trends have similar metric definitions, with similar chart and table views. They cover 4 values:

  • Mean time to Detect trends
  • Mean days in Triage trends
  • Mean days in Review trends
  • Mean time to Resolve trends

Mean time to detect trends, spline-area chart view:

Mean time to detect trends

Mean time to detect trends, table view:

Mean time to detect trends table view

To learn more about the metrics, please refer to Mean Days and Time.